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                        May 1993, Volume 1, Issue 2
         The Monthly Electronic Journal of News and Developments in
                      CA-Clipper 3rd Party Development

    '.' Signifies a News Item, Press RETURN to view it's associated text
. Notes from the Publisher
. ISVnews and Pinnacle Publishing join forces!

    Replaceable Database Drivers and Alternative Index and Query Products
. LoadStone releases the Comix RDD 

                      DOS Extenders for CA-Clipper
. ObjecTech and SofDesign International announce ExoSpace for Clipper

                             Report Writers
. Grumpfish releases The Grumpfish Reporter v1.11

               Serial Communications and Fascimile Products
. MBS announces Network Fax for Clipper

                    Word Processor Interface Products
. LumiNet announces docMaker v1.5
. Potomoc Document Software releases WP Create for Clipper

                     Database Recovery Products
. Comtech releases dSalvage Professional v4.0

                 Windows Development in CA-Clipper Product
. Fiesta Publishing's Dolce Vita v1.1

            Cross Platform Compilers for CA-Clipper Source Code
. Flaghip 4.0 Unix Compiler from WorkGroup Solutions

                         Laser Printer Products
. TreeSaver gets a new name
. ProHP Laser Printer Library for Clipper v5.3

                 General Purpose Function Libraries
. Grumpfish ships 5.2 update to The Grumpfish Library
. FrontLine Software releases Vern Six's Toolbox v9.04

                 CA-Clipper Related Events and Occasions
. Computer Associates announces TechniCon 1993 in Orlando

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson